In today’s article, we explain what flatulence is , a term that refers to stomach pain from gas. When we seek to reduce stomach pain caused by gas and at the same time lose weight, it is essential to choose an appropriate diet that benefits both our digestion and our goal of losing weight in a healthy way.
An effective option to achieve this is personalized diets, such as those we offer at PlanEAT , the nutrition app. Our personalized diets are adapted to the specific needs of each of our clients. These eating plans are sustainable over time, unlike miracle diets that can generate a rebound effect and affect our health in the long term.
Reducing Stomach Pain from Gas with Healthy Foods
Stomach pain from gas, also known as “bloating” is a term that may not be familiar to everyone, but is actually quite common. It manifests as a feeling of bloating and fullness in the abdomen , accompanied by discomfort associated with the accumulation of gas in the intestine and an increase in the sensitivity of its walls due to this gas.

Eating well not only helps treat gas pain, but can also have a positive impact on other areas of health, such as managing joint pain or other chronic diseases . It is essential to adapt the diet to each person’s individual needs to achieve the best results.
Gas that reaches the intestine can come from three different sources . Some of it is air that we swallow, but most of this gas is released through belching, so only a small fraction actually reaches the intestine.
Another source of gas is diffusion from the blood into the intestine, but the main source of intestinal gas is the fermentation of the foods we eat . These gases are eliminated from the body by belching, expulsion through the anus, diffusion into the blood or metabolism of bacteria present in the colon.
Symptoms of Stomach Pain from Gas
Symptoms of gas pain in the stomach usually manifest themselves in different ways :
Constant burping
Belching is one of the most common symptoms associated with stomach pain due to gas, as the gas tends to be released through the mouth. This gas is usually air from the stomach.
Abdominal sounds
Abdominal sounds are generated by the movement of the intestines or the presence of gas. It is common for people with abdominal pain due to gas to experience abdominal noises regularly.
Abdominal distension
Bloating occurs when your stomach feels full and there is a visible increase in the abdomen. This is known as bloating and may be accompanied by frequent flatulence or gas.
Excessive flatulence
It is common for those who suffer from stomach pain due to gas to experience excessive amounts of flatulence, which may indicate the need to seek medical attention .
However, it is important to note that certain foods can also be responsible for excessive flatulence.
Treatment of Stomach Pain from Gas
We can approach the treatment of abdominal pain due to gas through several strategies:

- Quit smoking : Habits like smoking can significantly affect our digestion. An anti-inflammatory diet can be an important first step to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of gas pain and help you quit smoking permanently.
- Avoid chewing gum and candy : Frequent chewing gum or eating candy can lead to swallowing more air, which contributes to gas buildup in the stomach.
- Eat and drink slowly : Taking the appropriate amount of time to eat and drink helps prevent excessive air intake, which promotes better digestion and reduces the amount of gas in the intestine.
- Reduce soda consumption : Soft drinks tend to increase gas production due to the carbon dioxide they contain. It is advisable to limit their consumption to control the symptoms of stomach pain caused by gas.
- Exercise regularly : Regular physical exercise can improve digestion and help reduce the amount of gas in the intestine, which helps relieve stomach pain from gas.
- Control your diet : It is important to avoid foods that can cause gas, such as legumes, cabbage, apples and plums. It is also advisable to temporarily eliminate dairy products to assess whether you are lactose intolerant.

Personalized diets not only help us achieve our weight goals, but one of their most significant advantages is that they take into account our ailments, allowing us to enjoy food while taking care of our health.
Apps like PlanEAT , our free Nutrition app, can be very helpful in providing guidance and tracking for a diet that fits our individual needs.