Personalised diets, designed by our registered dietitians at PlanEAT, are not only key to how to manage anxiety, but also to improving mental and emotional health. Discover the power of influencing your wellbeing through a conscious diet adapted to your needs.

How to Manage Anxiety?

Recognising the close relationship between nutrition and mental health, these diets not only impact our bodies, but also influence the way we think and relate to the world. 

To manage anxiety, don’t underestimate the value of incorporating practices that take care of your mental health; they are essential to maintaining healthy relationships, managing stress and reaching your full potential, both personally and professionally. 

And when you’re looking to make changes to your diet, rely on nutrition experts like PlanEAT and its free, leading nutrition APP for a diet tailored to your unique characteristics. This personalised approach will not only promote positive changes in your physical health, but will also be a valuable tool to manage anxiety and achieve holistic wellness.

How to Manage Anxiety Through Mindful Eating?

Anxiety, that feeling of unease, can profoundly impact our mental and physical health. However, tackling it can start with changes in our diet. Here are healthy and easy eating strategies that our leading nutrition APP PlanEAT focuses on and are backed by our registered dietitians. 

Prioritising a Balanced and Varied Diet

A balanced diet is essential to provide the body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs. This approach not only promotes physical health, but also contributes to emotional well-being. Plan your diet with nutritious foods, creating the foundation for a healthy body and mind.

manage anxiety

Avoiding Stimulants and Opting for Hydration

To manage anxiety involves avoiding stimulant drinks and caffeine, which increase tension and nervousness. Instead, focus on proper hydration. Dehydration can affect mood, so be sure to drink enough water throughout the day.

Incorporating Quality Protein for Lasting Satiety

Quality proteins, such as eggs, fish and lean meats, not only satisfy hunger, but are also rich in tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin. This contributes to better synthesis of neurotransmitters related to emotional well-being.

Harnessing the Benefits of Omega-3

Foods rich in omega-3s, such as fish, nuts and avocado, play a crucial role in mental health. This essential fatty acid has anti-inflammatory properties and has been linked to reduced anxiety. Include them in your diet for an extra boost.

Opting for Magnesium-Rich Foods to Manage Anxiety

Magnesium, found in foods such as dark chocolate, nuts and avocado, plays a vital role in serotonin synthesis. To manage anxiety can start with small, magnesium-rich treats.

manage anxiety

Making Exercise a Partnership for Mental Health

In addition to diet, regular exercise can significantly improve mood and reduce anxiety. Add physical activity to your routine to experience both mental and physical benefits.

Practising Relaxation Activities for General Well-being

Meditation and deep breathing are effective tools for calming anxiety and improving well-being. In addition, reduce alcohol consumption, as it can aggravate symptoms associated with anxiety.

Incorporating Leisure Time for Mental Balance

Mental well-being is also found in leisure and fun. Enjoying quality time with friends and loved ones is essential to improving mental health. Don’t underestimate the power of relaxation in your daily life.

To manage anxiety involves not only dietary changes, but also the adoption of holistic wellness practices. These strategies, backed by PlanEAT’s registered dietitians, will guide you towards a more balanced and healthy life.